Friday, September 15, 2006

Note: That thing is the umbilical cord

This is a picture of our darling little daughter. She will be baptised on the 24th of September. We'll be announcing her name as part of the baptism. Please join us in giving thanks to God for this little one!


Schütz said...

I would like to say "She's gorgeous" but perhaps this isn't her most flattering side? I hope you have thrown away those earplugs this time...

Fraser Pearce said...

Schutz, you will be delighted to know that I am using ear plugs.

Alan, great to hear from you! I often think of your impersonation of Maggie ("No Daddy!) We've got some OK pictures from when you were over, including a cute one o cho giving you a kiss. There is no correct spelling of cho, as far as I know!