Sunday, September 24, 2006

Emmanuelle Magdalen

Today we celebrated the baptism of our little baby daughter. As part of the rite her name, Emmanuelle Magdalen, was announced for the first time to family and friends.

We are very thankful for all the family and friends who could join us in the celebrations. The church was full to overflowing, and Pastor Greg Pitesch, the district president, came up to minister the baptism. He also preached and led the Eucharistic liturgy. It was a very joyful service, and we will remember it for our whole lives.

We had a whole sheep on a spit for lunch afterwards, as well as spit-roasted pork and beef. No meat eaters and wine drinkers went home hungry or thirsty!

In the photo are the Godparents (Vinni Ramm, Dania (Danica) Ahern, Jemma Eden, and Sue (Suedom) Westhorp); the parents; Emmanuelle; and Pastor Greg.

Please join with us in giving thanks to God for the safe birth of our little daughter, Emmanuelle Magdalen, and for the gift of baptism by which she has been adopted into God's family!


Schütz said...

Another beautiful name for another beautiful Pearce! Who is the patroness? St Mary Mag? (I found a couple of St Emmanuel's, but no "Emmanuelle").

Best wishes from all the Schutz-Beatons. +Anthony left for work this morning before we got onto the net, so we have left a printout of this blog on his desk for his information.

Hope all goes well in Queensland. Will you be blogging while at Pastor's Conference and Synod? Please do, that way we can all stay in touch with what is happening.

We will see you in November, I guess for the VCC meeting in Bendigo.

Take heart blogger said...

We are sorry to have missed the day and were very keen to hear about Emmanuelle's name from David and Marlene. Welcome to God's family little one! It was lovely to see the baptismal family on the screen this time too.